ADSL Microfilters
What a Microfilter does
A microfilter performs two main tasks. First, it prevents
high frequency noise from appearing at the telephone and potentially decreasing
voice quality. Second, it prevents the telephone equipment from interfering
with the modem by preventing harmonics, overtones and changes in impedance
caused by the telephone equipment.
What's Inside
Not all filters are equal. Below are some pictures
of the components inside some popular UK microfilters.
Microfilters (With small tail wire) |
ADSL Nation XF-1e

The most advanced UK microfilter. The XF-1e uses transistors
to actively remove the ADSL signal from the telephone equipment.
The filter contains the most components used in any UK filter, the
extra components are used to refine the frequency separation.
1 Spark Gap
4 Ferrite cores
5 Diodes
5 Capacitors
7 Resistors
2 Transistors

Pressac ZUK-BT
Clarity PRO
Fujitsu FDX100

5 Ferrite cores
9 Capacitors
4 Resistors
2 Reed Relays
SpeedTouch 413
Primax NA4PO9
New Energy NE5000

5 Ferrite cores
7 Capacitors
4 Resistors

A very common microfilter in
use in the UK due to it once being the standard issue from BT.
Manufactured by Excelsus and also rebadged as Thompson SpeedTouch.
4 Ferrite cores
1 Diode
8 Capacitors
4 Resistors
2 Reed Relays
3 Ferrite cores
8 Diodes
5 Capacitors
12 Resistors
4 Transistors
An interesting filter, the only filter other
than the XF-1e we have found that has a transistor based
design. looking closer at the design it seems to be overly complicated
and didn't achive the accurate seperation required. This filter
has a 1uF ring capacitor that may cause ringing problems with

3 Ferrite Cores
6 Capacitors
2 Resistors
Filtered Telephone Sockets |
Nation XTE-2005
Master Face Plate
1 Spark Gap
4 Ferrite cores
5 Diodes
5 Capacitors
7 Resistors
2 Transistors
This is the face plate that can be fitted to the standard
BT NTE-5 master socket. Designed to run all your phones from one
central filter. To support the full 4 REN it has a large 1.8uF ring
capacitor. |
NTE-2005 ADSL Face Plate

3 Ferrite cores
8 Capacitors
4 Resistors
2 Chokes
This is the face plate as installed by a BT engineer.
Designed to run all your phones from one central filter. To support
the full 4 REN it has a large 1.8uF ring capacitor (the yellow one
at the top).
Nation XTF-68 / XTF-85
ADSL Telephone Socket
1 Spark Gap
4 Ferrite cores
5 Diodes
5 Capacitors
7 Resistors
2 Transistors The
XTF pre-filtered telephone sockets are available in 62 & 80mm versions.
Contains XF-1e filtering, using transistors to actively remove the ADSL
signal from the telephone equipment. The filter
contains the most components used in any UK filter, the extra components
are used to refine the frequency separation. |
Safecom SAMF-3000
3 Ferrite cores
8 Capacitors
4 Resistors
2 Chokes
1 Spark Gap
Quite a good filtered telephone socket considering
it's low price. With filtered phone outlet and unfiltered RJ11
outlet for ADSL. Can be used to run all your phones from one central
filter. To support the full
has a large
ring capacitor
one on the top left). |
Hardwired ADSL Filter
Hardwired/Alarm Filter
7 Ferrite cores
7 Capacitors
2 Resistors
Not exactly a socket but a hardwired filter in
a standard size box that is often used for alarm systems. The circuit
is a simplified
version of the Pressac
ZUK-BT in-line filter near the top of the page here.
Solwise Filtered Phone Socket

1 Ferrite core (2 coils)
1 Diode
2 Capacitors
2 Resistors
This is a simple telephone socket with a built-in
filter. The filter circuit is an ASL 2019 the same as their current
plug-in filter.
Small Plig-in adaptor type
Microfilters |
Solwise (Current Version)

A fairly basic filter.
1 Ferrite core (2 coils)
1 Diode
2 Capacitors
2 Resistors
This filter is a modified ASL 2019. It has
had the ring wire disconnected that is incorrectly fitted to the
original ASL 2019
Solwise (Ver 1 & 2)-Discontinued-

3 coils
2 capacitors
2 resistors
1 Fuse

YCL Electronics MF603UK
Dynamode (Current)

2 Ferrite Cores
3 Capacitors*
2 Resistors
2 surface mount capacitors are bonded on the underside
of the PCB to make a 1uF ring capacitor so technically this should
be 2 capacitors in total.
6 Ferrite Cores
1 Capacitor
2 Resistors
1 Fuse
Excelsus are a long established name in ADSL filters
and this filter has a reasonably good circuit design for a small plug-in
filter however it falls flat on it's face due to the fact that
the filter does not filter the ring line or provide it's own ring
This filter has the ring connection incorrectly wired
straight through from the unfiltered line. The ring signal from the
line should not be connected as the filter should provide it's own
a ring capacitor.
This filter will cause serious problems on telephones that make use
of the separate ring signal. It does not come anywhere near meeting
the BT SIN 346 standard and was designed for the Hong Kong market. |
ASL 2019
1 Ferrite core (2 coils)
1 Diode
2 Capacitors
2 Resistors
Reported to be sold by ebuyer at the moment. ebuyer
were selling the solwise v1 design untill recently, but places like
ebuyer tend to have whatever they can get the cheapest at any given
time and at the moment it seems to be this one.
This filter has the ring connection incorrectly wired
(green wire). The ring signal from the line should not be connected
as the filter should provide it's own ring signal using a ring capacitor.
You can improve the results by cutting the green wire if you are
feeling brave.
Claimed to be BT SIN 346 Compliant but
clearly not !
Unknown Brand - Falsly sold as D-Link DSL-20MF by some retailers

1 Ferrite core (2 coils)
1 Diode
2 Capacitors
2 Resistors
Surprisingly this unknown brand filter has been sold
as a D-link filter. This filter has a significant design flaw. The
ring signal from the line should not be connected to the filter.
The filter should provide it's own ring signal using a ring capacitor.
This could signal the beginning of a worrying trend of retailers
not delivering what you pay for. The real DSL-20MF is an external
box with small wire design, not a plug-in module like this one.
If you recieved this filter when ordering D-Link filters demand
that they are replaced.
Circuit Diagram of the YPL-002
Circuit Diagram of the YCL MF603UK

About the star rating.
Because even though cheap filters are not 100% they are
often adequate for many applications. As a supplier of ADSL equipment
we have received many filters from manufacturers claiming to be UK compatible
but almost all of them fall short of that claim.
We have developed a star rating to help people better understand
the capabilities of each filter as follows.

The worst are US types that often have significant design errors such
as no ring capacitor. They can just about work with basic phones that
you don't need to ring but best avoided as they are likely to cause serious
degradation of line quality. Fortunately filters in this category are
becoming hard to find.

Low cost filters usually modified US or Chinese design with a ring capacitor
added. Usually this capacitor is inadequate but will work with some basic

Filters made for the UK with a little more thought gone in to them than
the other 2 but still using a minimum number of components to keep costs
down, this can cause variations in performance depending on equipment
in use and can have problems with difficult to drive loads like some DECT
phones. Filters in this category are now the most common filter sold by
most retailers, also sold on eBay by several traders.

These filters are designed for the UK market, use good quality components
and have a high capacity ring capacitor. These have been well tested by
the specialist ADSL outlets that sell them and may well be tested and
approved by BT using their SIN 346 specifications. They generally work
well with a majority of equipment including DECT phones. They still generally
have problems with a small amount of equipment such as high powered ringers,
caller display units and PABX systems.

Maximum compatibility & performance. If your equipment does not work
with a 5 star rated filter then you are unlikely to get it working as
you almost certainly have a fault with the equipment or line. Currently
the XF-1e Professional microfilter is the only one that we have given
a 5 star rating to. You would be forgiven for thinking that's just because
it's our filter, but the truth is that we have given it this rating because
it really is unbeaten for compatibility. With the XF-1e we are setting
new standards for compatibility that we hope others will follow and even
exceed in the future. We would be happy to see this category grow and
the others shrink as improvements are made to filter design.
Half stars are given where a filter performs better than
others in it's category but not quite enough to meet the criteria for
the next category. The easy way to use the star guide is that the lower
the number of stars the higher the probability of problems caused by the
filter being inadequate. |